Upgrade your life one bite at a time
Work With Me
Do you want to be radiant and full of energy? Perhaps release some weight or feel better about the amazing body you’ve got? How about improving your digestion?
Then you’ve come to the right place!
I will help you adopt a healthy and balanced plant-based diet so you can improve your energy, lose weight and feel incredible without frustration about what to eat.
Life-Changing Health Benefits
Reasons for Going Veggie
I will gently guide you from your starting point, no matter what that is to the nutrition and lifestyle goals you would like to achieve. I will work with you to determine your motivations and identify the barriers getting in your way.
Eat a Well Balanced Plant-Based Diet
Strengthen Your Immune System
Improve Your Digestion
Feel Great About Your Body
Life-Changing Health Benefits
Reasons for Going Veggie
I will gently guide you from your starting point, no matter what that is to the nutrition and lifestyle goals you would like to achieve. I will work with you to determine your motivations and identify the barriers getting in your way.
Eat a Well Balanced Plant-Based Diet
Strengthen Your Immune System
Improve Your Digestion
Feel Great About Your Body
explore hundreds of delicious
Vegan Recipes
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What Coaching Include
Vegeterian Coaching
• Anamnese completa
• Avaliação antropométrica
• Solicitação de exames bioquímicos
• Plano alimentar individualizado
• Suplementação individualizada, caso necessário
• Receitas e orientações nutricionais
• Suporte via WhatsApp
Elaboração de Cardápio para restaurantes
• Cardápios low carb, saudável ou funcional
• Cardápios livres de açúcar, gorduras trans, lactose ou glúten cardápios vegetarianos ou veganos cardápios com uma alimentação equilibrada e saudável, pensando no bem estar dos seus clientes, além do custo e benefício.
Tabela Nutricional para produtos
Soma de tabela nutricional para produtos caseiros, seguindo as leis da Anvisa.
Manual de processos operacionais POP’S
Entre em contato para mais informações.